The old mill in Hauhia was built in the Hauhia rapids in Vaalimaanjoki river in 1881, however, according to oral tradition, there used to be a rudimentary mill already in the early 1800s. There were plenty of customers at the mill in summertime, as other mills nearby often had a shortage of water. At Hauhia mill, the miller was able to regulate the amount of water using dams he had built upstream. In the early 1900s, a saw was built at the mill, and during the war years also an electrical generator, and the village got electric lights.

The mill was very active: apart from grinding and sawing, wood shingles were cut and clover seeds were ground in Hauhia. The mill was known for flour made from peeled grains, used instead of wheat flour.

The log flume next to the mill was deconstructed in the 1950s and 1960s. Hauhiankoski was returned to its old riverbed in 2021 to create new living environments for the fish swimming up the Vaalimaanjoki river. The restoration of Hauhiankoski river was chosen as the best environmental act in Kymenlaakso in 2021.

The current riverbed of Hauhiankoski rapids. Photo: Sanna Lönnfors.

Gallery Sylvi

The concrete sculptures in the yard of the house next to the mill have been sculpted by Sylvi Hauhia. There are a few hundred sculptured in the yard, and inside the gallery there are about a thousand smaller sculptures, made from clay. The subjects of the sculptures are, for example, animals, farm work, Sylvi’s loved ones, and famous people.

The clay used in the sculptures was taken from Vaalimaanjoki river. It was left to dry, and then beaten to dust and mixed with water into a mass for sculpting. Each one of Sylvi’s works of art is unique.

The sculptures around the mill and next to the road can be visited at any time. The artwork in the yard can be visited when the residents are around. When you visit the area, please respect the privacy of the residents and only park in the marked areas.

Owl sculptures at Gallery Sylvi. Photo: Sanna Lönnfors.

Services at the mill and the gallery

There is a small summer café and a mill museum at the mill. There is space for camper vans, and charging electric cars is possible for a fee. Cabins will be built in the area for accommodation purposes.

Hauhia mill on Facebook

Pages Links

Hauhian kylän sivut

Hauhian Mylly Miehikkälän kunnan Kylien kertomaa -sivustolla

Galleria Sylvi Miehikkälän kunnan sivuilla

Hauhian Mylly ja Galleria Sylvi Visit Kotka Hamina -sivustolla

Galleria Sylvi Maaseudun Sivistysliiton sivuilla

Uutiset ja media: Hauhiankosken kunnostuksesta

Hauhiankosken kunnostus on Kymenlaakson paras Ympäristöteko 2021

Hauhiankoski virtaa taas vapaana Miehikkälässä

Kymen Sanomat: Hauhian kosken uomaa muutetaan heinäkuussa Miehikkälässä – Uomaa louhitaan hieman, jotta mylly saadaan suojeltua ja vaelluskalojen nousu turvattua

Miehikkälän ja Virolahden kylien kylätoimijat: Miehikkälä/Virolahti kylien kertomana, Kouvola 2012.